Personality Dimensions Workshop for Early Childhood educators, teachers and parents
Learning outcomes for the parenting workshop
Parents will;
- Discover their own personality type.
- Understand their personality type versus their children's personality type.
- Explore possible personality conflicts within the family unit
- Build a positive relationship with their children based on respect and understanding of their differences
Professional Development for early childhood educators
Early childhood educators will develop the tools needed to;
- Identify their personality type
- Explore tools to assess children's/students personality types
- Understand their personality type versus their students
- Build and nurture positive healthy relationships with their students
Professional Development for guidance counsellors
The workshop will enable guidance counsellors to;
- Identify their personality type
- Take control of the guidance counselling with confidence
- Understand and interpret assessments with their students
- Explore labour market trends and the impact
- Explain what employers are looking for in employees
Career Connect will develop and deliver customized workshops to guidance counsellors based on identified needs. I plan to deliver the career exploration workshop to all guidance counsellors to provide them with a sound foundation for helping their students explore post-secondary education.
The focus of the workshop with teachers is to;
- Help them understand and assess their personality type
- Help them identify their personality styles versus their students
- Identify obstacles/barriers in personality conflicts
- Provide solutions to obstacles and barriers
- Establish positive nurturing experiences with their students
- Explore ramifications of not understanding students personality type and learning styles
The workshops will include snacks and beverages and are about 3hrs in length
This is one of the most powerful tools to find your dream job. It allows you to discover your strengths weaknesses, natural gifts, and preferences. This workshop will help you communicate with others more effectively i.e. children, bosses, friends, co-workers, clients, parents. teachers.
If you have any questions or comments about this workshop please contact us here.