Career Exploration Workshop
This workshop will help clients clarify their career goals, identify their natural strengths, abilities, values and interest. Will enable them to understand how to access labour market information and how it affects their choices. Identify areas for further growth and make informed decisions about choosing post-secondary education. The students will acquire the tools required to reach their full potential, thereby increasing their chances of success in a very competitive workforce. They will have the knowledge and information required to make career shifts throughout their participation in the workforce. By keeping the client as the focus of the program, his/her new choices will produce new results, which will further motivate them to succeed. By assisting the client in recognizing his/her own needs, setting his/her own goals and empowering him/her to take ownership of the steps necessary to achieve their goals.
Personality Dimensions Workshop
This workshop will help professionals and parents understand their Personality Dimensions vs. those of their students, co-workers and children. Babies develop personality 16 weeks into gestation; therefore, personality is established when they are born. If we can recognize and nurture differences, we will start to bridge the gaps in communication. This workshop is fun and interactive to facilitate the learning and retention of the information. According to Dr.Keirsey, " Man\s Pygmalion project has been to make all those near to him just like him. Fortunately, this project is impossible. To sculpt the other into his own likeness fails before it begins. Remove the fangs of the lion and behold, a toothless lion, not a domestic cat. Attempts to change the spouse, offspring, student or employee, can create a change, but the result is a scar- not a transformation."